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Showing posts from 2015

Certified Google Analytics Agent (^_^)

I finally made it!!! After the long time studying to the point I lost my focus and interest because its getting hard to cope up with all those analysis quizzes/activities in Digital Analytics Fundamentals along Adwords questions with Google Analytics - those are the hard part of understanding and passing this exam! Then again! God gave me perseverance, knowledge and wisdom to really made it! Thank you so much Lord God (^_^)

Positive Thinking

Google Analytics Academy

This course will walk through the basics of Tag Manager including developing a measurement plan and a tag management strategy. Discuss here are how to deploy tags and triggers, and shows how to set up variables that can be reused across the website.

IGaCoS and Talicud Island Hopping | Eversun Software Phils Corp 8th Anniversary

This is my first time to ever experience an Island Hopping in Samal Islands and also my first to go out for a beach after August of 2013... I was praying for safety and endurance for the past weeks and I thank God He answered my prayer. Our first stop was Angel's Cove for swimming, then Babu Santa for Lunch, pass by on other resorts in Talicud Island and also Samal Island, forgot all the names tsk! Also pass by in Pearl Farm Beach Resort and Wishing Island. Here is the video: